Walter "Len" Hilgart Flambeau River Preserve
This preserve sits on a bend along the South Fork of the Flambeau River, with approximately 2,020 feet of natural shoreline, with class I and II rapids nearby.
Natural Featuers
The topography on the property slopes steeply toward the South Fork of the Flambeau River, makeg the protection of the upland areas that much more imporant. The young balsm and aspen forest will continue to protect the water quality of the river while also providing great habitat for species needing early successional habitat types.
In December of 2020, the property was donated by the Trustees of the Walter L. and Martha G. Hilgart Trust as a memorial to Walter “Len” Hilgart.
Town of Fifield, Price County
27 Acres
Ownership: Northwoods Land Trust
Getting There
Only accessable by water. Park at the Fifield Memorial Park/Wayside along Hwy 13, 1.6 miles south of the Town of Fifield. Paddle downstream for 1.8 miles.
45.857643, -90.427818
Fifield Memorial Park wayside on Google Maps.
Dogs are welcome.
Hunting is not allowed.
The preserve is passively managed meaning activities only occur in response to natural disasters or threats to the conservation values.
Natural plant and animal habitat; water quality; public access; carbon storage and other nature-based services that lessen the impacts of climate change
Funding Support
This project was supported by a grant from the Caerus Foundation, Inc.